Access / Contact

新潟大学大学院保健学研究科 齋藤研究室

School of Health Sciences
Niigata University Faculty of Medicine
2-746 Asahimachi-dori, Chuo-ku,Niigata
951-8518, Japan


ayasaitoh8★ (★を@に置き換えてください。)


  • From JR Niigata Station (Bandai Exit): approximately 10 minutes

  • From Niigata Airport: approximately 25 minutes


  • From JR Niigata Station (Bandai Exit) and the station front bus terminal:

    • Take the B1 BRT Bandai Bridge Line (green) and get off at "Higashi Nakadori," then walk for about 5 minutes.

    • Take the C2 Hamapu Line (orange) and get off at "Fuzoku Gakko Iriguchi," then walk for about 1 minute.


  • From Niigata Airport: take a taxi for approximately 25 minutes

  • Alternatively, take the limousine bus bound for JR Niigata Station and transfer.