
We aim to establish an environment where individuals can obtain accurate information and make informed decisions about vaccinations

In recent years, the environment surrounding vaccinations for children in Japan has undergone significant changes. Since 2008, numerous vaccines have been introduced domestically, leading to a substantial increase in the types and number of vaccinations recommended for infants and toddlers. This has created a need for extensive information provision to parents regarding vaccinations. However, in Japan, the dissemination of vaccination information is currently entrusted to individual healthcare providers, resulting in mothers receiving different information at different times. Consequently, this can hinder decision-making and delay vaccination timing, leading to a failure to acquire immunity when it is most needed, thereby increasing the risk of infection. Furthermore, adhering to the recommended vaccination schedule has become more complex, and a single delay in vaccination can exacerbate subsequent delays, potentially increasing the risks of non-vaccination and outbreaks. Therefore, we believe that parents require more accurate information and appropriate vaccination education to facilitate informed decision-making about vaccinations.